Honda Civic TypeR FK2 Stage1 – 370Hp 480Nm (+60Hp +80Nm)

Honda Civic TypeR FK2 was reflashed with our custom DUAL mode map and was measured on dyno before and after reflash. Result 370Hp 480Nm (+60Hp +80Nm). Everyone know that not all dynos show a reference and many have an error that depends on the settings and calibration of the dyno, so one measurement can say absolutely nothing and must be

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Honda Civic TypeR FN2 reflash gains

Honda Civic FN2 was reflashed with our custom tune map. We made dyno measuring before and after reflash to see the real difference (thin lines is stock map, thick lines is our tune map). Car is full stock with decat only. We can see huge difference in power (near 25hp and near 30Nm of torque on 5500rpm! and 6Hp in

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Honda Civic TypeR FN2 K24A3

В Киеве настроили на дороге и на стенде Honda Civic TypeR FN2 со свапнутым K24A3. Итог – 240 сил и 283 момента!Спеки: поршни CU2 впускной коллектор RSP выпускной 4-2-1 тюн впускной вал с шестерней CU2 выпускной вал CL9 стоковый мозг RSP-E02Reflash.Club – будь быстрее!