Why you need our map: Accord CL9 stock reflash gains

One more Honda Accord CL9 was measured before and after reflash. As we can see our custom reflash added +16 kw (+22hp) and + 25Nm to max numbers and added incredible +25kw (+35hp) and +40Nm in the middle of the range! Facebook

Civic EG K20A2 tuned on road and dyno = 232Hp 237Nm

Recently we tuned Honda Civic EG with swapped K20A2. Engine is full stock with CAI, custom 4-2-1 exaust manifold and full exaust. We first tuned this Civic on the road using logs and got 196 weels hp and 184 Nm at wheels with 2 ppl in car After that, we decided to check and possibly improve the tuning on the

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