How to get a remote tuning

Reflash.Club has been remote tuning cars all over the world for more than 10 years already
We are offer Remote tuning services for Honda vehicles worldwide as long as there is internet access. Tuning can be done on the stock ECU or using systems like Ktuner or Hondata.
So, first you need to reach out to us through our Facebook or Instagram pages or any other available means of communication. Express your interest in getting a remote tune for your Honda.
Choose a Method – Reflash.Club offers 3 ways to get a tune:
a. Remote Tuning using your standalone ECU such as KTuner or Hondata
Looking for the perfect tuning for your race vehicle?
Optimize every performance part based on your vehicle, atmospheric conditions, and fuel quality with a custom etune. With our extensive experience, we finely calibrate your vehicle to achieve perfection. It begins with us providing a customized calibration for your specific needs. You then record datalogs for us to analyze. We’ll send you revisions and continue this datalogging process until your vehicle is finely tuned. This method ensures a more precise tune compared to a typical dyno tune, which lacks real-world variables like temperature, load, and wind conditions.
Engine Management Options:
– Hondata FlashPRO
– Hondata K-Pro
– Hondata S300
– Ktuner
Services Include:
Fuel Map Tuning
Ignition Timing Tuning
Cam angle (vtc) tuning for your application
Vtec Engagement Tuning
Revlimit / 2step / Anti Lag
Setup Boost Control
Setup Knock Control Tuning and more.
Just contact us and we will arrange time to fine-tune your car.
b. Remote Tuning with J2534 Tool:
Step 1: Make a deposit with Reflash.Club and we will send you a J2534 tool via mail service.
Step 2: After you will get it, we connect to your car remotely with your laptop and Remote Desktop service
Step 3: We will provide clear instructions for you to follow, and will reflash your car remotely.
Step 4: Enjoy your car with the new tune! 🙂
c. Visit an Official Partner:
Step 1: Check the map provided by Reflash.Club to find an official partner near your location:
ReflashClub worldwide Honda ECU reflash service
Step 2: Visit the selected partner from the list
Enjoy the benefits of remote tuning and experience the performance enhancements offered by Reflash.Club!
Terms & Conditions:
Customer must inquire before purchasing to ensure application is supported by this service.
Failure to do so will result in cancelation of the order minus transaction fees.
Customer agrees to all terms outlined on this page and the terms page found on our website by clicking here.
Etunes expire 30 days after purchasing. Please make sure your car is actually ready to tune.
If the customer is unable to follow instructions and provide the necessary datalogs within 3 emails/attempts, the etune service will be considered abandoned. No refund will be provided.
Customer’s which do not complete their etune due to mechanical problems or any other issues will NOT be eligible for a refund.
Customer’s cannot change their vehicle’s specifications after/during an etune.
Change of specifications will require an etune revision to be purchased if the modifications are deemed acceptable for a revision.
If they are not deemed acceptable a new etune to be purchased.
Methanol/Auxiliary fuel systems are considered a second fuel.
Calibration files are locked and will not be unlocked.
NOTE: For Off-Road Race Use At Sanctioned Events Only.